Hi NameWorth Visitor,
Great news, NameWorth version 3.0 is live today! It's a huge leap forward for Tier 1 & Tier 2 domain valuations. If anyone is at NamesCon, I'll see you out there as well.
Handpicked expired names for August 31st are: GamingHub.com WorldSurf.com AlwaysPositive.com CoachInstitute.com FamilyArbitration.com Rentless.com NVAF.com KoalaTech.com Orloo.com SuperProperty.com SecondBuy.com publiko.com SpecialtyRetail.com SEOFeed.comSee the full list of domains below.
If you like the WorthIt! newsletter, please use the links when purchasing, to keep the newsletter going. All domains featured here are independently selected by our domain experts. If you buy something through links on our site, NameWorth may earn an affiliate commission. For reference, we've included the ranges for the Tier estimates below: - Tier 1 (Ultra Premium) - $30,000+
- Tier 2 (Super Premium) - $10,000 - $29,999
- Tier 3 (High-Value Premium) - $2,500 - $9,999
- Tier 4 (Premium) - $500 - $2,499